Ingrid B.
Kansas City, KS
A warm, and inspiring story of a boy who listened to his heart and made his dreams come true. My nephew and I enjoyed reading it and lauging along

Delanyo A.
Seattle, WA
A fun exciting kids book that teaches parents to never give up on their kids! When your child displays talent always sow into their interest. Never stunt their growth or dreams you never know who they can become!

Kyle T
Seattle, WA
This book is exactly what little brown and black kids need to see. An example of what it means to have a passion that lives inside you and finding the opportunity to live out that passion. To not let the people around you influence you into thinking your gift is not of value but rather to embrace your special talent. A true reminder that being a creative and following your dreams leads to success and the ability to share it with the rest of the world, knowing that greatness is always within you.

Ronnie M,
Houston, TX
This is an amazing book! It’s the perfect read to show black children to follow their dreams. I also loved the fact that it’s about audio engineering, a field we don’t see a lot of black representation

Omar Q.
Kansas City, KS
It’s one of a kind and the 1st encouraging children’s book for sound engineering. Every public library needs a copy in their young reader’s department. It‘s a read that widens the scope for career choices but it also tells an authentic story. A refreshing children’s book because it is not make believe. It’s the very real and inspirational story of Brandon Blackwell.